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Minimum 200 words per post, Minimum 2 references from the reference provided from course material listed below;…

Minimum 200 words per post, Minimum 2 references from the reference provided from course material listed below;…

Minimum 200 words per post, Minimum 2 references from the reference provided from course material listed below; apa format including websiteCOURSE MATERIAL TO BE USED IN RESPONSES. PLEASE USE ATLEAST TWO REFERENCES IN BOTH RESPONSES WITH THE IN TEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES IN RESPONSES.Homework assignment. Respond to two discussion post by fellow classmate. Use only class materials in your responses. All responses to your classmates must have support from the class material, PROVIDED BELOW. This means any and all opinions, facts or conclusions must show support from the weekly class materials and/or case study facts, PROVIDED BELOW. APA in text citations, reference list and sound writing mechanics are required.Original question: You are sitting in a hotel room watching the evening news as a local reporter interviews people who complain about the sexual abuse and mistreatment of nurses in a local hospital. These reports have been occurring in the news media with increasing frequency over the last three years. Some observers believe the problem is the hospital’s general manager Robbie Lowe and his authoritarian style. The hospital ‘s board of directors has encourage ‘spit and polish’ values that are efficient and tolerates no nonsense. The Board believes that Lowe has gone too far with this ‘no nonsense’ approach and has encouraged a ‘them-against-us’ attitude between the administration and the nursing staff who seek to protect the patients.New employee training includes a seminar on strict adherence to care policies that often put cost cutting ahead of nursing needs. The nursing staff has an 40% turnover rate and it is getting higher every year that Lowe stays. One nurse in an interview with the reporter said, ‘Nurses like doctors are compelled to take care of the sick to the best of their ability. If this means giving a patient an extra set of bedding or new wash cloth that is what I will do. It is a matter of values and ethics.’  Further, employees are told they have three strikes or they are out if they break a policy.  One nurse says that she was told by Lowe after her third strike, the she could keep her job if she ‘you know’ with him.  She has sued the hospital and the Board knows it will cost them money to settle out of court.Another reporter has suggested that the nurses feel they should consider unionizing the group to get better working conditions and a say in management of the nursing staff policies. Presently the hospital has no director of nursing and the board is wondering if this would solve the problem. Lowe has control over all the hospital management duties with the hiring and firing of doctors being the only exception.The reason you are in a hotel room watching the news is that you have been invited to interview for Lowe’s position as General Manager of the hospital. You are thinking about what you would do if you got the job.What recommendations would you offer the Board on how to change the hostile work environment into an engaging workplace?******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below****** Terri Bridgeman Student Answer/Post: The roles of the nurses in the hospital are just as important as the doctors they assist daily. As an applicant for the position of General Manager, I would first suggest that the board sit down with the nurses to personally hear their complaints. According to Forbes, “Successful managers are transparent in their approach to improving engagement — they talk about it with their teams all the time.” (Gleeson, 2017) I would then ask the nurses what it was that they would like to see happen? They need to know that their voices are not being silenced for the sake of protecting the budget. While the values of the hospital need to remain intact, there needs to be a balance between the board and the administration so that the nurses feel as if they are receiving fair treatment. I would suggest that the board be expanded to include heads of departments so there will be equal representation. A Director of Nurses would be a great start to opening that door of communication. Trust has been lost and the nurses are torn between doing their job and upholding the strict rules of the hospital. There needs to be exceptions where nurses can comfortably do their job of caring for the patients and not worry about possible sexual consequences.  Once an agreement has been reached, I would recommend that an agreement be signed as which would indicate that all parties were fully aware of their responsibilities as well as the consequences for not adhering to the values and guidelines of the hospitals policies.******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below****** Stacey Sinclair Student Answer/Post: It’s hard for any employee to work in a hostile work environment but it is more common than people realize. A hostile work environment is “a workplace in which unwelcome comments or conduct based on gender, race, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other legally protected characteristics unreasonably interfere with an employee’s work performance or create an intimidating or offensive work environment for the employee who is being harassed. This conduct can severely diminish an employee’s productivity and self-esteem both in and out of the workplace”. When management is creating a hostile environment that can cause employee morale to dimish within the workplace. If I were to have Lowe’s job as hospital general manager the first thing I would do when I get there would be to have a meeting with the staff at the hospital to introduce myself to them and to meet the employees. In order to start fixing the issues I would need to talk to the employees so I can understand their concerns better. I would have to let them know how I work as a manager and what is expected of them as employees and what they can expect from me as a manager. Research shows that employees like to feel valued and respected so in order to get the best from them you have to give them that. When employees are happy with their jobs then their productivity will be better and the turnover rate will be lower. I would make sure the board understand that I would need to reassure the employees that management is there for them and will help them as much as possible to make sure they have everything they need to get the job done correctly. I would recommend doing incentives for the employees to show appreciation for them and all the work they do. For me it’s important to get the work done but it’s also important for the employees to know that they are valued in the workplace.Course material to be used for references and in text citations· https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236594/report-separates-great-managers-rest.aspx· https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/attracting-and-retaining-the-right-talent· https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/human-capital-trends/2017/improving-the-employee-experience-culture-engagement.html· https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/managing-talent-in-a-digital-age· https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2017/10/15/5-powerful-steps-to-improve-employee-engagement/#466692f3341d· https://b2b-assets.glassdoor.com/50-hr-and-recruiting-stats-for-2016.pdf· https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/234096