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Dicussion 1 Shertina Hello everyone! For week 2 I will be choosing option 2: Taking…

Dicussion 1 Shertina Hello everyone! For week 2 I will be choosing option 2: Taking…

Dicussion 1 Shertina Hello everyone! For week 2 I will be choosing option 2: Taking the interactive dialect quiz, How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk. After completing the quiz the areas that closely matched my dialect was Paradise/Spring Valley, Las Vegas/North Las Vegas, and lastly Henderson. More so my dialect comes from the west side which I can agree is true because I have lived in California for the majority of my life before I moved to Texas and California is on the west side, but after taking this quiz I also do have my own questions to which I wonder, what options would I have had to choose in order to have my areas in California? Does California have other dialect that I don’t know about? Also lastly, did moving to Texas change part of the dialect I used to have when I lived in California. Overall though the quiz was pretty interesting.  There were some questions I did not have a word for, for example, what do you call something that is across both streets from you at the intersection and also what do you call a drive through liquor store! I have seen these things but never had a word for them or heard anyone use the word ‘brew thru’ which is pretty clever. Some of the other options for other questions were pretty interesting, one that caught my eye was “liquid sun” which is when the sky is blue, the sun is out, and it still manages to rain I just considered the weather to be bipolar for the day. In the end my thoughts for dialects has opened up a little more. I know It’s not just the constant debate on whether there’s soda or pop in my hand, there can be a different terms used for various things I would’ve never thought about. It all just depends on the culture and area one is around. William Explain the exercise that Jane Elliot did with her students.  She placed the students into separate groups based on eye color. Each day one group was given better privileges then the other group based on that alone.  Were you surprised at how quickly the children began to treat each other differently after they were told that children with a certain eye color were superior or inferior?  I was not very surprised with this reaction if you treat someone better then someone else they will notice immediately because they can feel it. While it might take time for a single person in a group setting I feel they would all feed off each other and be disgruntled quicker towards being able to do less.  How do you think prejudiced views develop and persist over time? I think its how you raised, rather on the receiving end or watching your parents treat people a certain way. If you grow up being treated a certain way based on your eye color (just an example) then you would always walk into situations thinking that you were worse off just based on that.  Is there anything that could be done to eliminate prejudice? Raising your kids with what is right or wrong is one way but nothing has quick fix. Standing up for yourself and others will help as well.  What role does education play in this? Everyone deserves and equal opportunity for education, the requirements to get into colleges should only be limited by your academic scores and so on. As in, if two people have equal GPA’s and apply to college and one is form North Carolina and one from South Carolina that shouldn’t affect it, (just an example).  Discussion 2 Joseph      I have to say that this week has been more exciting due to the topics of race, ethnicity, language, and cultures. In discussion one, I decided to talk about the issue of ‘A Class Divided’ by Peters (1985) which surprised me in the terms that third graders were saying some racist words and showed hate towards each other when segregated into two different groups by eye color. I did conclude that parents had some significant guilt for the manner that the children behaved. I wish there were an easy way to eradicate racism, but it is up to all citizens to teach our younger generations the rights from wrongs and instill moral and ethical values that are tolerant to positive beliefs towards a united society. I also did the ‘How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk’ by Katz and Andrews (2013), which stated my dialect as being from Jackson Mississippi, Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama. I guess the dialect quiz could be right since I do live in the South. I wonder who lives in the North or South, and received their dialects different from where they live and what could be the cause of it?   Richard This class of Cultural Anthropology is very interesting to me. I have learned about Race, Culture, Ethnicity, and how important it is to understand and respect other cultures and races. There are many different cultures, as we may not understand them in their entirety, but respecting them is important. The video of “A class Divided” made a big impact on me. The way the third-grade class that did not appear to have any issues in the beginning of the school year. Once the teacher began the exercise of racism the third-graders started to divide and call each other names. The teacher’s intent was to educate the children in how the people who are being treated unequal feel. It is important to treat each other equal and with respect “overall, despite variation, the major human geographical groups around the world which are commonly thought of as distinct races differ in only about 0.5 % of their genetic material” (Crapo, R. H. Section 3.1, Para 4, 2013). I think it is important to educate our children along with ourselves in the importance of treating everyone with respect Responses a minimum of 75 words