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The discussions in this class will provide an opportunity for you to examine cases from the perspectives…

The discussions in this class will provide an opportunity for you to examine cases from the perspectives…

The discussions in this class will provide an opportunity for you to examine cases from the perspectives provided by assigned concepts. Each week there will be four sets of assigned concepts. At the beginning of the month, you will be assigned to answer one of the sets. For instance, if you are assigned to answer set one then, each week you will answer the concept questions for set one and only set one. If you are assigned to answer set two, then each week you will answer the set two questions.This assignment may be quite different from what you have been asked to do in other classes. In other assignments you may have been asked to examine the case and either provide a summary of the issues you identify or to answer questions at the end of the case. This discussion is an exercise in using specific concepts from the class to look at a situation. In this assignment, in your initial post, you are expected to look at the company described in the case from the perspective of four concepts presented in the week’s reading. This means you must be quite familiar with the concepts, including the parts of the concepts. These may be highlighted below the concept as it is presented in the text or they might be in a figure or table. Briefly present your answers to the questions, including some of the evidence you see in the case to back up your judgment. The deadline for posting your initial post is Wednesday night, midnight. There are two additional elements of this assignment. On Thursday and Friday, read the initial posts of the others in the class, both those who answered the same set of questions and those who answered other sets. Then… Choose one initial post from within your assigned group. Write a response to each of these initial posts. Your response should include the following: a critique of how the poster used the concepts to discuss the case. What did they do well and where could they have improved? What else did you see in the case using these concepts? Your response posts should be a well-thought out paragraph. Avoid a superficial sentence or two. Choose one initial post from a different group.  Write a response, just like above! The final part of this assignment is a follow-up post. Choose one of the responses to your initial post. In what ways did you agree and disagree with the critique of your use of the concepts? Comment on any additional observations made to you by the responder. What additional thoughts do you have about the company’s approach to strategy now that you have had this additional time to think about it?Points will be earned based on the effective use of course concepts to enrich your contributions — see the attached rubric linked below.  In replies, simply saying “nice post” is not enough.  Think about how you can apply the content from the course to have a better understanding of the class.  Since these weekly discussions are a critical part of the course and may be entered at any time (asynchronously) on the specific days below, there will be no make-up assignments or credit for late contributions.Read Case: #21 – Good HotelQuestions: Using the concept of Competencies, what do you learn about Good Hotel that is important to strategy creation for them? Using the concept of Balanced Scorecard, what do you learn about Good Hotel that is important to strategy creation for them? Using the concept of Evaluation of Speed As a Competitive Advantage, what do you learn about Good Hotel that is important to strategy creation for them? Using the concept of BCG Growth Share Matrix, what do you learn about Good Hotel that is important to strategy creation for them?