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This assignment will consist of 3 parts:Part 1: Researching an environmental issueYour job is to research a…

This assignment will consist of 3 parts:Part 1: Researching an environmental issueYour job is to research a…

This assignment will consist of 3 parts:Part 1: Researching an environmental issueYour job is to research a particular environmental issue that interests you. It could be something as small as one town’s efforts to reduce their waste (For example, Worcester’s pay-as-you-throw trash removal system) or as large as the subject of ocean pollution or the proposed green new deal policy. You are to research the topic from an economic standpoint providing a background on the issue as well as the potential costs and benefits of the issue and its proposed solutions. If you prefer, you can also propose your own solution, but you will be graded on how well you address both the costs and benefits of that solution. This part of the paper should be about 2-3 pages in length, but I care much more about the quality of the content then I do the length of the paperPart 2: Researching Environmental Science Graduate ProgramsSelect at least one graduate program in environmental science that interests you and discuss the details of that program (length of the program, classes you would take, cost and requirements of completing the degree, etc.). This does not necessarily have to be an economics program, but can be any program that deals with the environment and/or environmental policy analysis. You can choose to research just one, or you can compare multiple programs if you find more than one that interests you. Feel free to give your opinion on the chosen program(s) including what you like and/or dislike about it? Based on your research from part one as well as your research of this graduate program, is this something you might be interested in pursuing? Why or why not? This part of the paper should be about 1 page in length.Part 3: Researching an Environmental Science Employment OpportunitySearch for potential employment in the environmental science field and select at least one position that interests you. Feel free to list the details of the position including what kind of degree or experience is required for the position, what skills or attributes the employer is looking for in a potential employee, and/or any specifics about the job and its pay. Is this a job you would consider applying for one day? Why or why not? Feel free to give your personal opinion about why this job or area of work is or is not for you. This part of the paper should also be about 1 page in length.Here are some specifics regarding the details of this assignment:1. The paper should be about 4-5 pages in length (2-3 pages for part one, about 1 page for part two, and about 1 page for part three) typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point font. However, I am much more concerned with the quality of content than the length of any of these sections, so it can be a little shorter or a little longer so long as it is well-written and informative.2. Please make sure you reference any sources that you use and please make sure these references are professional (no Wikipedia citations please). Also, please make sure you cite all of your sources in a references section at the end of the paper and provide internal citations where necessary.3. You are encouraged to discuss your topic ideas with me before beginning on the paper. Please feel free to come by my office if you have a question about the paper or how to write it.4. Spelling and grammar do count, so please make sure the paper is well-written, proof-read, and appropriate for a college level class. Also, please make sure the paper is stapled together before you turn it in.