APA format 2 pages long 3 references 1 from walden university libraryplease use one of the references from this post An educational program’s worth is determined by a process that is defined as an evaluation (Keating & DeBoor, 2018). “Evaluation is a broad term that describes the process of determining the value, worth, or quality” (Billings & Halstead, 2016, p. 385). There are several evaluation models that are utilized by nursing programs and nursing educators. During this week’s assigned readings, I found two models that could be used for the evaluation of an educational intervention in a healthcare setting. One is the RSA Model which was developed by Roberta Straessle Abruzzese, a nursing educator. This model is a triangle that progresses in a hierarchy fashion moving from process evaluation (the lowest level) to content evaluation, outcome evaluation, and the highest level – impact evaluation (DeSilets, 2010). Another attractive model is the CURRICULUM Model which includes context, content, and conduct. Under context the letters C – consider context and U – understand learners; content includes the letters R – wRite goals, R – wRite objectives, I – identify content, C – choose methods and materials, and U – unite resources; and conduct includes the letters L – lead implementation, U – undertake evaluation, and M – monitor outcomes (Kalb, 2009). Although the above-referenced evaluation models are appropriate for an educational program within a healthcare setting, our team has chosen the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model combined with a Shared Governance Model approach. The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model “evaluates four levels of change: reaction, learning, behavior, and results” (Billings & Halstead, 2016, p. 389). Each of these levels must be evaluated before expanding upon the next. This model will be useful for the nurse and the educator as it will show if the training yields the desired outcomes; the degree of change on the nursing units; and the amount of content learned (Kirkpatrick Partners, 2019). Moses Cone Hospital already has a Shared Governance model in place which will aid in achieving quality patient care by aligning nursing professional practice with organizational values and beliefs (Nursing World, 2004). This model can help nurses by encouraging one another to provide evidenced-based care and live the mission, vision, and values of the Cone Health organization. According to Billings & Halstead (2016, p. 395), “to design and implement an evaluation plan and then ignore the results would defeat the purpose of evaluation.” Evaluation of an educational program not only reveals the success of the said program; it can also assist the nurse educator in any changes that need to be made for future reference. “Implementing an educational model that is based on outcomes reflects the influence of education on practice” (Dickerson, Shinners, & Chappell, 2017). ReferencesBillings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2016). Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty (5th ed.)DeSilets, L. D. (2010, January). Another Look at Evaluation Models. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(1), 12-13. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Dickerson, P. S., Shinners, J., & Chappell, K. (2017). Awarding credit for outcomes-based professional development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(3), 97-98. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Kalb, K. A. (2009, May/June). The three Cs model: The context, content, and conduct of nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(3), 176-180. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Keating, S. B., & DeBoor, S. S. (2018). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing education (4th ed. New York, NY: Springer.Nursing World. (2004). Shared governance models: The theory, practice, and evidence. Retrieved from http://ojin.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Volume92004/No1Jan04/SharedGovernanceModels.aspx
by Writers Nests | Nov 7, 2024 | category | 0 comments
APA format 2 pages long 3 references 1 from walden university libraryplease use one of the references…
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