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In this project students are going to complete this assignment in the form of a research paper….

In this project students are going to complete this assignment in the form of a research paper….

In this project students are going to complete this assignment in the form of a research paper.  The research paper will include: ●A Title Pagecourse name, & date.- Must include:  project title, student name, “Prepared for:” teacher name,   ●Section Titles – All sections titled by (Roman Numerals). Students will answer each section in a paragraph or more. (5 or more sentences) ●References APA format- List all sources used in alphabetical order – books, periodicals/magazines, websites, interviews, etc. ●Paper Requirements:- Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced  In this research paper you will gather information about a career that you are interested in pursuing. Be sure to use the information you have already gathered on CFNC.org, careeronestop.com, and occupational handbook to put into your paper. You must cite your sources using the Works Cited Guide given.   Career Research Paper/Visual            Due Date: Monday 5/13/19  I.Name of Career Field and reasons for studying this particular career.  II.History of the career a.Give a brief explanation of the history in your selected career.  b.Be sure to include historical events, historical figures, and laws.  III.People in this career (nationwide) a.Approximately how many people are now employed in this career field? b.Briefly discuss current employment trends relating to this career. (ex. increased diversity, demands for health care, technology-telework, virtual offices, skype interviews, and etc. c.Where are jobs related to this career most often found(which state or city? Why?  IV.Duties of this career a.General Duties/job tasks  V.Qualifications of workers in this field. a.Experience b.Education (general level and type required) c.Skills d.Certification or Licenses needed if applicable e.What are the most common methods of entry into this career?(Internship, apprenticeship, on the job-training, or straight entry) Which one would you choose? Why?   VIEducation Planning a.List courses you’ve taken or will take in high school/college to prepare. b.What is the length of training/education?  Cost of training/education (degrees)? c.Briefly describe any armed forces training opportunities that relate to his career if applicable. d.What are the scholarships, loans or grants that you could apply for to help with the cost of this training? e.Other training-apprenticeship, company or on-the-job training?  VIIRelated Fields a.List and briefly describe 3 career fields related to the one you have chosen to explore.  VIIIFinding a job in this career field. a.List local firms where employment in the career field could be found.  IX.Earnings a.How much can you expect to make from this career? 1.Beginning salary? 2.Average/Median Salary? 3.Exceptional/Top 10% Salary?  X.Nature of the Job a.List some employee benefits and perks, other than salary, that you would expect to gain from this career. b.What hazards can you anticipate in this job field?  XI.Career Advancement a.What are the chances for advancement in this field? What position? b.Would advancement require additional training? Explain. c.Would advancement require additional duties? Explain. d.Is there a need for continuing education to hold this position?  Explain.  XIIPreparation for the chosen career Include these in your typed paper and on your visual. a.Create A Resume  b.Cover Letter   XIIIInterview  a.Create 10 interview questions you would like to ask someone working in this field. Include this in your typed paper and on your visual.     a.Create 10 interview questions you would like to ask someone working in this field. Include this in your typed paper and on your b.Ask this person the same questions you have been exploring for this project and any additional one you may have. c.Write a summary of this interview.  XIVReflection a.After studying this career in depth, state why you would or would not be interested in making this your own career ●A copy of the resume you created for the