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Article Analysis on Risk Management should cover Heading – Name, Class, Assignment, Date Reference –…

Article Analysis on Risk Management should cover Heading – Name, Class, Assignment, Date Reference –…

Article Analysis on Risk Management should cover Heading – Name, Class, Assignment, Date Reference – article information provided in APA reference list format Paragraph 1 – a one paragraph summary of the article Paragraph 2 – analyze the article and explain in one paragraph its authority, accuracy, objectivity, and timeliness Paragraph 3 – one paragraph to explain the relevance of this article to your research topicOne page with APA formatReference Format of Article Analysis is below: Jane DoeESL 203Article Analysis #1September 23, 2014Sumer, S., Poyrazli, S., & Grahame, K. (2008). Predictors of depression and anxiety among international students. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86(4), 429-437. Retrieved from ERIC database.Sumer, Poyrazli and Grahame (2008) studied international students in the eastern United States and found that social support, English proficiency, and age were significant contributors to the variations they observed in students’ depression and anxiety levels.  Their study showed that international students who reported having little social support or low levels of English language competence experienced higher levels of anxiety and depression.  With little social support, international students may have to face adjustment challenges alone, while lower levels of comfort in using English means that they encounter more situations of confusion and difficulty.  The authors also found that older students reported higher levels of anxiety than did younger students, suggesting that younger students may be more flexible when encountering new experiences and may feel more comfortable with American culture due to media use.  The results of the study led the researchers to make suggestions about ways universities can decrease anxiety and depression for international students, including counseling services, host families, and peer programs.This article can be considered a scholarly, reliable source for several reasons.  First, the authors work in departments of psychology and counseling at Georgia State University and Penn State Capital College.  The article is published in a peer reviewed journal of the American Counseling Association and is available through the ERIC database, showing that it is both accurate and objective.  The article was written relatively recently, in 2008. All of these features lead to the conclusion that this is a quality source to be used in a research paper.This article addresses one of the key features of my research topic, namely the role of English language competence in international students’ ability to successfully adjust to studying in the United States.  The authors discuss how the level of English language skills may influence how well students adapt and how likely they are to interact with Americans.  They provide references to other studies which address English language skills and adjustment, meaning that the topic is significant and worth researching.  Because the authors provided details about their subjects, I can be sure that the results reflect students from a large variety of countries of origin, rather than just one in particular.