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This should be your own writing, in your own words, and includes your reflection on the readings…

This should be your own writing, in your own words, and includes your reflection on the readings…

This should be your own writing, in your own words, and includes your reflection on the readings but also your own opinion!  If you use a specific example or quote mentioned in the text or the article be sure to mention the source (and put quotation marks if it’s a direct quote). Write one paragraph to answer each of the main questions, but be sure to address all parts within each main question.Worth 5 points total—1 point lost for each day late5 = Demonstrates strong evidence of: reading the required readings, thoughtful reflection on the questions, answering all parts of the questions, and clear communication of ideas, opinions, and concepts.4 = Demonstrates evidence of: reading the required readings, thoughtful reflection on the questions, answering most parts of the questions, and clear communication of ideas, opinions, and concepts.3 = Shows limited evidence of: reading the required readings, thoughtful reflection on the questions, answering most parts of questions, and clear communication of ideas, opinions, and concepts.2 = Answers some questions but with no evidence of having read readings or thoughtful reflection or answering very few parts of the questions.1/0 = Extremely limited answer or evidence of plagiarism—taking answers from fellow students, online sources, etc. without properly citing. 1)  –Globalization and Culture Change—Using examples from the Kottak text (Chapter 15 and 4), give two specific illustrations of how the process of globalization has changed life and culture for humans worldwide.  Again drawing on the text, what are some of the possible benefits of these changes and what are some of the challenges or problems this process creates for different groups of people within and across societies? 2) Applying Anthropology to a Contemporary Challenge—Consider the various human challenges cited in the text readings, the final project instructions, class discussions, and your general knowledge of the world.  Identify one challenge facing humans today in which you have a particular interest (see detailed final project instructions posted in previous Unit).  In a few sentences, describe this issue and what are one or two places where people are facing this challenge that are reflected in the information sources you have found. Then cite 2-3 courses you’ve found following the guidelines in the final paper instructions and below.Do an initial online search to see if you can find at least one reputable source that describes the scope of the problem in that place.  Note this source(s) in your answer.  Do another search on the issue in combination with the words culture and anthropology (eg, malnutrition and culture, malnutrition and anthropology—or you can use a subfield of anthropology to search) and see if you can find at least one reputable source that addresses the possible connections between the issue and anthropology.  Note that source(s) in your answer.  Another option for the searches is to go to the library to search. You will need these sources to complete Part A of your final project/paper.  Citing the proposed sources here gives me a chance to give you feedback on your proposed topics & sources and give you recommendations before your proceed further. You will want to narrow your topic enough in order to make it manageable to address in a relatively short paper. Email questions if you’d like. I assume that you may modify or add to your sources and/or narrow your topic after feedback, but this is meant to get you going.