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Reflection Essay Assignment .Reflection Due: Final Exam PeriodRequirements:1. The Reflection is a 4-6 page (1000-1500 word) argument-based, rationale…

Reflection Essay Assignment .Reflection Due: Final Exam PeriodRequirements:1. The Reflection is a 4-6 page (1000-1500 word) argument-based, rationale…

Reflection Essay Assignment .Reflection Due: Final Exam PeriodRequirements:1. The Reflection is a 4-6 page (1000-1500 word) argument-based, rationale essay which analyzes the student’s progress in English 101 and articulates the reasoning behind the choices made/selections..Your rationale needs to include 10 of your new Rhetorical Approaches. The reflection can follow any format structure (list, essay, letter, short story, narrative poem, journal entry, etc… Your approaches will be highlighted, like so..Choose three of the following to include: The use of concrete sensory images (each sense may count as one) Diction (colloquialism, jargon, idiom) Figurative language (simile, metaphor, allusion, personification, exaggeration, hyperbole.)  Hypothetical scenarios or examplesChoose two of the following to include: Rhetorical question Points of view (direct address-second person, first-person (personal anecdotes/experiences, 3rd person objective, etc.) The types of empirical support (historical reference, statistic, expert testimony, data, etc…)Choose three of the following to include: The way reasoning works (deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, comparison, contrast)Choose two of the following to include: Exemplification acknowledging and oppositional view, conceding to a viewpoint, refuting a viewpoint subverting a common misconception dialogue or fictional narrative. paradox.. Each will be indicated and highlighted. for example, Hough is like the Boston Terrier of school Writing Program… (SIMILE).Place all the above material one document (pdf or doc). . .                                                                           .Details for Reflection Essay: provides you with the opportunity to assess, evaluate, and analyze your writing and growth as a writer. According to the program guidelines for English 101, here are the expectations for your critical rationale essay. A critical rationale essay should:. Assess how individual pieces of writing illustrate the student’s growth as a writer throughout English 101. Explain the stylistic and organizational choices made in the student’s writing: i.e. Illustrate an awareness of rhetorical choices across contexts and an understanding of course materials. Offer a deep and sustained critical reflection on the writing and revision process that resulted in these polished essays and other writings..***Rationale Essays are not to serve as either a disparagement or praise of the instructor..To help, here are some questions you may think about while writing your rationale.. Role as a Writer: What is your ethos as a writer? Are you a writer? Explain why or why not. Has your definition of “writer” changed since the beginning of the semester? What aspects of your writing do you feel that you have improved on throughout the semester? What is your greatest strength as a writer? Where are areas for improvement in your writing? . Your Writing Process: Explain the logic of your arrangement and structure in your projects. How does your arrangement reflect your process? How does this arrangement support your ethos as a writer? Which of these projects challenged you the most and why? Which of these projects did you most enjoy writing and why? . Other Questions: How well do you understand the rhetorical terms introduced in this course? Does your writing illustrate this understanding? In what ways did the rhetorical analytical tools help you to examine texts and problems in new ways? What trends do you see in your own writing? What are the techniques that you find yourself returning to over and over again as you write essays? How did your argumentative skills develop across any of the essays?