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Minimum 200 words per response, Minimum 2 references per question from the reference provided from course material…

Minimum 200 words per response, Minimum 2 references per question from the reference provided from course material…

Minimum 200 words per response, Minimum 2 references per question from the reference provided from course material listed below; between the two questions all three references must be used. apa format including websiteCOURSE MATERIAL TO BE USED IN RESPONSES. PLEASE USE ATLEAST TWO REFERENCES IN BOTH RESPONSES WITH THE IN TEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES IN RESPONSES.Homework assignment. Respond to two discussion post by fellow classmate. Use only class materials in your responses. All responses to your classmates must have support from the class material, PROVIDED BELOW. This means any and all opinions, facts or conclusions must show support from the weekly class materials and/or case study facts, PROVIDED BELOW. APA in text citations, reference list and sound writing mechanics are required.Original questions: 1) Using the themes from the last seven weeks and the articles listed below explain how the behavior of the manager can create or defeat the accomplishment of the two major goals an employer wants from its employee’s: excellent job performance and organizational commitment.2) When considering the future workplace, what do you see as the major challenge to an organization meeting its goals of performance and commitment?******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below****** Stacey Sinclair   Student Answer/Post:· The behavior of a manager can significantly affect the way employees do their jobs which will affect the overall organizational commitment. When managers are not good at dealing with employees tend to have a negative attitude towards the organization because of a manager. According to research a manager can either motivate or demotivate employees by making the workplace uncomfortable by creating a lot of stupid rules. They don’t treat all of the employees the same because if some are doing more than others their accomplishments go unrecognized. Oftentimes the organization doesn’t know how their managers are treating the employees and sometimes they do but choose not to do anything about it.· I think one major challenge to an organization ability to meet is goals of performance and commitment is employee retention. Oftentimes a company can be a great company and they can pay their employees well but if the organization doesn’t treat their employees right, they are not going to stay. I think employee retention is one of the biggest challenges that a company faces because it cost the company a lot of money every time they have to replace an employee. ******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below****** Destany Walker   Student Answer/Post:1) The behavior of the manager sets the tone of accomplishments of the two major goals an employer wants from its employee’s: excellent job performance and organizational commitment. A manager is the leader, and dependent on the behavior will have followers. A manager’s goal is to have followers, and the manager must have the utmost employee commitment. “Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals” (Kruse, 2012, para. 3). The work dynamic has evolved and continues to be unique and a versatile manager can have more opportunity. One of the biggest factors of smoothly managing a group is the manager understanding individual differences and focusing on their best attributes. When an employee feels their best skills are being utilized that creates job satisfaction and leads to excellent job performance, “revamping and innovating recognition practices can capitalize employee talents so that they flourish in the company” (Chadha, Kumar, 2018, para. 1). From personal experience and an example of a poor manager, I recently put in my two weeks at the medical spa I work at. I worked my two weeks but went in Monday and Tuesday to train and intended to be there the rest of the week. Of course, life happened and my daughter was not feeling well so I stayed home. I had been training one new employee the last three weeks, then on Monday added a new one, then added someone new to train on Friday. Realistically, it is unrealistic for the person leaving to teach an individual for one day, my position has many different roles. Today, failed communication and no set schedule left the spa unopened this morning. The current managers role has completely defeated the accomplishment of the major goals. The individual of the manager who is rarely in the office has created all other employees behavior to be unreliable. Unreliability of employees results to clients not trusting us or the services the spa offers. As Labarre states, “to this day, the ruling management model promotes efficiency over every other goal and conformity over every other human virtue” a little efficiency is not enough for a business to succeed (Labarre, 2014, para. 4).2) Considering that the future workplace is more virtual and mobile (2014), the major challenge to an organization meeting its goals of performance and commitment are employee engagement and team performance. Team work is collaboratively working with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. Ultimately working in a team can promote innovation and better outcomes. In virtual teams great communication is harder to attain. In a virtual team it is harder to evaluate employees attitudes. The components of attitude are: affective, behavioral, and cognitive (Anderson, 2015). When an employee is evaluated you are able to see if the employee has job satisfaction. Those components help or reflect poorly on a business.COURSE MATERIAL TO BE USED IN RESPONSES. PLEASE USE ATLEAST TWO REFERENCES IN BOTH RESPONSES WITH THE IN TEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES IN RESPONSES.· https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/insights/us/articles/HCTrends2018/2018-HCtrends_Rise-of-the-social-enterprise.pdf· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W451tsBftDw· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnUztQc3TTA