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Let’s keep building your next paper. For this discussion post, please read the paper 2 assignment:Â the research…

Let’s keep building your next paper. For this discussion post, please read the paper 2 assignment:Â the research…

Let’s keep building your next paper. For this discussion post, please read the paper 2 assignment: the research reflection paper assignment. You’ll notice that there are five sections in this paper: This assignment will encourage you to practice writing strong, well-explained paragraphs and to present and cite information from sources.For this post, you will write a rough draft of the Sections 2 and 3 of the paper:In Section 2, you will write about why you believe the challenge/problem you are researching is serious and should be solved. You may write about real and specific challenges that you or people you know have faced and the impacts. In other words, you may write carefully and honestly about personal experiences and/or the experiences of people around you. First person (‘I’) point of view will be powerful and appropriate in this paragraph.In Section 3, you’ll describe, step by step, your research process so far. This section encourages you to carefully describe the steps you have taken, including the problems and successes you’ve experienced along the way. Again, first person (‘I’) point of view is totally appropriate here.To earn full credit for this assignment, you will write at least one paragraph for each section of at least 7-10 sentences. That will encourage you to offer plenty of background information for the reader. (Check the assignment sheet to make sure you note that in the final draft, each section will be at least 2 paragraphs.) Research Reflection Paper: In your second paper, you will continue to practice the skills of reading sources critically to improve your understanding of new information and to relate it to your own research interests. This paper will build on your annotated bibliography work and prepare you to write the final research paper.Goal of this Essay: The purpose of this assignment is to enrich your understanding of the importance of reading critically to improve your understanding and to continue to deepen your knowledge of the problem you are researching this quarter.Writing the Essay:  You’ll need three credible and relevant sources on the issue/problem you’ve chosen to explore this quarter. You may use sources from your annotated bibliography or you may find new ones.This paper will be at least 1,500 words and will be due the week of May 20. It’s worth 100 points.You’ll submit it through Canvas. Our Tuesday/Thursday discussion posts will be opportunities for you to build a strong and interesting paper that meets the assignment expectations.The paper will include the following:APA title pageAPA abstract (a short paragraph of 150-200 words)Section 1: An introduction paragraph in which you present your topic/problem and relevant background information to prepare a reader for the rest of the paper. (Use third-person point of view in this paragraph.)Section 2: Two or three body paragraphs in which you carefully reflect on why you selected the topic/problem, why you believe it is serious and should be researched further. In this section, you may write about specific challenges that you or people around you have faced and the impacts of those problems. In other words, you may write about personal experiences and/or the experiences of people around you. First-person (“I”) point of view is important in this section.Section 3: Two or three body paragraphs in which you describe your research process so far: This section encourages you to carefully describe the steps you have taken, including successes and challenges, as you have researched the topic/problem.  Again, first-person (‘I”) point of view is important here.Section 4:  Two to four body paragraphs in which you discuss what you have learned about the topic/problem through at least three credible and relevant sources. In this section, you will carefully cite quotes, paraphrases and summaries with strong APA in-text citations. (Use first-person and third-person point of view carefully in this section.)Section 5: A concluding paragraph in which you discuss what you would still like to know as you continue your research, what questions you still have, and your plan for further research. (Use first-person “I” point of view here.)APA References Page, listing source citations, presented in alphabetical order with hanging indentation.