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I have a project due in my health information class the project is on inpatient and outpatient…

I have a project due in my health information class the project is on inpatient and outpatient…

I have a project due in my health information class the project is on inpatient and outpatient coding I need it completed by 5/3/19 the guide lines are below.HIIT 101 Research Project Medical Coding Nomenclatures and Classifications Total Points:  150  Goals  The purpose of this project is to research, define, and explain classification and vocabulary systems and to compare and contrast the impact of each system on both inpatient and outpatient medical coding.  The goals of this assignment are to help you:   become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources to understand the history of classification and vocabulary systems;  further develop your critical thinking skills and back up your points with evidence;  become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views;  discipline yourself to follow a scholarly research format to document in-text sources and a reference page; and  compose a well-organized, clear, concise research paper to expand your knowledge on classification/vocabulary systems.  Content Organization (90 pts.)  Your final paper must be in APA style (American Psychological Style Association) and include the following sections:   Title page to include student name, course name, course number, project name, and submission date.  Abstract – This is a one-paragraph summary (150-250 words) of the key points of your research topic.  Include a paragraph of keywords from your research.  See the APA sample paper to learn how to format this.  Introduction – In this section, you will explain the SNOMED CT vocabulary system and the different types of health care classification systems (ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, and CPT) and provide a brief history of each classification.  Body of the project – In this section, you will discuss the implementation of each classification/vocabulary system and explain how the implementation has impacted the health care industry and workforce.  Conclusion – This section focuses specifically on the impact of each classification/vocabulary system on both inpatient and outpatient medical coding.  Frame the discussion for this section as a contrast/comparison analysis.  Reference page – This is a separate page and the last page of the document that lists all sources used for your research.  Do not include sources that you did not draw from for your final write-up.  Format sources using APA style.  Use the 3 resource links provided in the section below to guide you in setting up each citation.  Entries will be formatted differently depending on the type of source (i.e. journal, edited book, article, book with one author or set of authors). 2   Research Requirements and Academic Integrity (25 pts.)  You will be graded on the quality of your sources.  The paper must cite at least six sources of which three must be scholarly journal articles.  One source must be your textbook for the class.  Note:  You may not use Wikipedia as a source as it is not a trusted source.  You must use intext citations including author’s last name, date, and page number, i.e. (Johnson, 2016, 45).  Cite all sources on a Reference page using APA style.  The following web links should assist you with APA format:  http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/560/ APA sample paper  You may use Microsoft Word to assist you in formatting citations for the reference page.  The Word 2013 screen shot below directs you to the location of this feature on the Word ribbon.  To maintain academic integrity and originality, be sure to paraphrase source information used in your project.  You may use direct quotes if they are formatted as such in the paper.  The paper will be checked for plagiarism using a product called SafeAssign.  Refer to the link below to review the CCBC Academic Integrity policy as stated in the college catalog.  These standards will be enforced for this assignment. http://catalog.ccbcmd.edu/content.php?catoid=29&navoid=2038#behavior  Writing Quality/Grammar/Usage (20 pts.)  Be sure to proofread your paper.  Do not rely solely on spell check.  Spell check will not identify words that may be spelled incorrectly but are still a word (i.e. incorrectly typed foot instead of food).  Check subject verb agreement in your sentence structure (singular subject/singular verb; plural subject/plural verb) and verb forms (common error:  should have went [incorrect] instead of should have gone [correct]).  Contact the CCBC Writing Center if you need assistance.  Other Requirements (15 pts.)   The paper must be a minimum of 750 words (4-6 pages double spaced not including title page and reference page).  The paper must follow formatting APA formatting guidelines regarding spacing, margins, and page numbering.  Be sure to indent the first line of each parag