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Home Business & Finance homework help Marketing homework help Report IssueAssignment OverviewAccording to Grano (2017), “unlike many marketing disciplines, professional healthcare marketers have a unique opportunity that extends beyond traditional marketing strategies and tactics. Healthcare marketing communications campaigns may very well change – or even save – a life.” As a health care professional, it is extremely important to have a notable understanding of marketing trends and challenges (or problems), as this is a key driver of the health of your organization.Grano, J. (2017). Healthcare marketing: Impacting lives and building engagement. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/08/28/healthcare-marketing-impacting-lives-and-building-engagement/#6b7d6edf5f54Case AssignmentFor your Case 1 assignment, you will review healthcare marketing trends, challenges, and the Marketing Mix Theories (4P’s & 4C’s). Review the following articles:Trends:Smith & Jones. (2017). 2018 healthcare marketing trends and playbook: Eight emerging trends and how you can leverage them now. Retrieved from https://smithandjones.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SJ-1390-2018-Trends-Playbook_lres-1.pdfResnick. L.R. (2017). Six healthcare marketing trends for 2018. Managed Healthcare Executive. Retrieved from http://managedhealthcareexecutive.modernmedicine.com/managed-healthcare-executive/news/six-healthcare-marketing-trends-2018Challenges/Problems:Orchard, C. (2015). 8 challenges to customer-driven healthcare. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Retrieved from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ecpe/8-challenges-to-customer-driven-health-care/Jaworski, B., Malcolm, R., & Morgan, N. (2016). 7 big problems in the marketing industry. American Marketing Association. Retrieved from https://www.ama.org/publications/MarketingNews/Pages/7-big-problems-marketing.aspx4 P’s/4 C’s of Marketing:Whats and Hows. (2016). What is the Marketing Mix – The 4Ps & 4Cs. [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MQS-75K2ZMCase AssignmentAfter reviewing the articles above and conducting your own research, complete the following in a 3- to 4-page paper (read all the instructions before beginning): Select 2-3 challenges/problems with health care marketing and complete the following in 2 pages:      Identify the selected challenges/problems and explain associated negative effects on a potential health care organization. Identify how your selected challenges/problems are related to the 4P’s and 4C’s of marketing from a health care perspective. Select 2-3 trends that you believe will assist in alleviating the 2-3 selected challenges/problems and complete the following in 1-2 pages:      Explain your trends and how these trends will improve your selected challenges. Assignment Expectations Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support analysis. Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages (not including title and reference pages). Support your analysis with peer-reviewed/scholarly articles, with at least 6 references. (Note: You can use the 4 articles above and use 2 additional references.) Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:  http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.