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For companies  that have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While…

For companies  that have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While…

For companies  that have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While there are many factors that go into motivating these people, one of the primary factors is the compensation plan that describes how they will be rewarded. Research a large organization’s sales force and its compensation plan, or…use a fictitious company and make necessary assumptions.Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: In order to motivate the sales force to produce the highest number of clients, describe six (6) features (not to be confused with the total rewards components) of an effective total rewards program. Research  eligibility for sales compensation.  Describe the behaviors of the sales force that are targeted with the compensation plan.   Assess how a value proposition is achieved for current and future employees in the plan you have outlined. *In responding, consider this site, https://workology.com/employee-value-propositions-evp/ (VERY IMPORTANT)  Based upon the type of plan you have created, indicate how attracted you think future salespeople may be to this plan. In other words, what specifically about your plan will attract the sales people?  Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Consider https://research.strayer.edu Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.  at have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While there are many factors that go into motivating these people, one of the primary factors is the compensation plan that describes how they will be rewarded. Research a large organization’s sales force and its compensation plan, or…use a fictitious company and make necessary assumptions.Remember these requirements: PLEASE FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS GIVEN ABOVE LOOKING FOR THOROUGH AND QUALITY INFORMATION APA FORMAT TO INCLUDE HEADINGS AND PAGE NUMBERS  AND CITATIONS NO OLDER THAN 5 YEARSABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM Along with the above resources, the only websites allowed for this course are https://www.worldatwork.org/ , https://www.shrm.org/ , http://www.hci.org/ You may also use websites of academic institutions or organizations that detail their total rewards packages.1. Double-space all lines of information in the paper. Spacing beyond double is not permitted.2. Indent the first line of every paragraph ½ inch. Page-long paragraphs are not permitted.3. Align the text to the left margin, leaving the right margin “ragged”.4. The document must have a title page that has a running head with the first page number. There must also be on the page (centered) the paper title, student’s name, school name, and date of assignment as minimum information.Reference lists begin after the last page of text. A reference list is used at the end of the paper to accurately document all sources cited. The reference list is organized alphabetically, is double spaced, and uses a hanging indent paragraph style.Headings will be used for all required sections of the paper. In other words, for each criteria statement for the assignment a heading will determined. The heading should not be a copied and pasted criteria statement. Instead, you should revise the statement and come up with a “less-wordy” version for the heading.Do not submit papers filled exclusively or overwhelmingly with researched information from others work. With any sourced information, you must also provide your own perspectives and thoughts. You may decide how you balance the researched information with your own thoughts.3. Citations to show the work of others must be placed in appropriate places within the paper, which is either directly before or immediately after the quoted or paraphrased information. If a citation is placed at the end of a paragraph and there is no way to determine what information it covers, points will be lost for improper placement of the citation.4. **VERY IMPORTANT** Information and discussions in the paper must directly cover what the criteria instructions (statements) outline from the syllabus/course guide. Sometimes a single criterion directs that you address more than one area, so ensure that you cover everything. Avoid addressing things with no relation to the overall topics for the paper.HOT!! All papers will have an introduction (not an abstract) and a conclusion section. They are required!