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DEADLINE: 29/04/2019 AMOUNT: PAGEDeadline: 02/05/2019pages: 4 pagesAmount:$12DescriptionThe goal of this assignment is for you to write a…

DEADLINE: 29/04/2019 AMOUNT: PAGEDeadline: 02/05/2019pages: 4 pagesAmount:$12DescriptionThe goal of this assignment is for you to write a…

DEADLINE: 29/04/2019 AMOUNT: PAGEDeadline: 02/05/2019pages: 4 pagesAmount:$12DescriptionThe goal of this assignment is for you to write a report detailing the bacteria artificial selectionexperiment you performed in class. This report should be written as though for a scientificaudience who is unfamiliar with your experiment, and it must be structured like a primaryresearch article written for a peer-reviewed journal. See Appendix F of your lab manual foradditional guidance on this format.You may work either alone or in a group of two. Anyone who wants to work in a larger groupmust first get permission from their TA. You may not work with students enrolled in othersections of this course.FormatWrite your report in paragraphs, using 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman), 1-inchmargins, and whatever line spacing you prefer to use. This assignment has a maximum lengthof 4 pages not including references. The goal of a research article is to thoroughly but conciselydescribe and discuss an experiment. Your focus should be on choosing your words carefullyrather than trying to increase the length of your report by including irrelevant information orusing two sentences where one would suffice.Divide your lab report into the sections described below and give each section a heading. Notethat for this assignment you are reporting an experiment you performed yourself. Use “we” or“I” to reflect that. For example, instead of saying, “The hypothesis stated…,” or, “The zone ofinhibition was measured…, ” it’s preferable to say, “We hypothesized that…,” or, “We measuredthe zone of inhibition…”Your lab report is due at 11:59 p.m. on 5/1/19. At least one electronic submission with thenames of all contributing authors must be submitted to D2L before this deadline. Partner non-participation will not be an acceptable excuse for late work. Do not include the names of non-contributing classmates.Report SectionsTitle (10 pts): Create an informative title that makes the subject of your article clear to youraudience. Look at one of the research articles you read at another point in this course forinspiration. Note that some article titles can be up to a full sentence long.Abstract (10 pts): Provide a 100-200 word statement summarizing the study. State your study’spurpose, hypothesis, a very general summary of your experiment, important results, and finalconclusion, all in that order. Do not report any actual data here. Once again, look at a researcharticle you’ve read previously if you aren’t sure how to begin.Introduction (10 pts): Familiarize your audience with the background of your study byintroducing the concept of natural selection. Then, provide some basic information about yourECOL 182L Artificial Selection Experiment Report Spring 2019study organism to make it clear why that organism was used for this study. Finally, present yourexperiment’s question, hypotheses, and predictions. You will fail to earn points on this section ifyou confuse hypotheses and predictions, or if your hypotheses don’t meet the basic criteria forhypotheses.Methods (10 pts): This section should get straight to the point. Provide enough details that aperson could replicate your experiment on their own, but make sure you leave out details thatwould not probably not affect their results. For example, it probably does not matter where yourecorded your data. However, it probably does matter what kind of agar you used and how youkept your agar plates from becoming contaminated. You must explain measurements and includeunits. Do not use bullet points or copy directly from the lab manual.Results (10 pts): Report the data collected during your experiment which you will use toevaluate your hypothesis, but don’t try to explain the data yet. In paragraph form, state the actualnumbers that make up your data and any trends that you may have appeared. Do not forget toinclude units.Table/Figure (10 pts): Include a table or figure (or both) depending on which you feel makesyour results easiest to understand. You must create all of your own tables and figures, and eachmust have its own title and a caption explaining it. Copying them directly from shared labspreadsheets will not earn you credit.Discussion (10 pts): Briefly summarize again the purpose of the study, and then discuss whatyour data means by directly addressing your predictions, and then whether you reject youralternative hypothesis or your null hypothesis. Finish by describing what other authors have donewith similar experiments and whether they agree with your conclusions. If you think somethingwent wrong during your study, describe it here and how you would correct it in the future. If youbelieve an unplanned occurrence may have affected your results, then you can discuss it here.References (10 pts): All information coming from another source must be cited in-text using theformat in Appendix E. At least two primary research articles must be cited for full credit. Inaddition to in-text citations, full citations formatted like in Appendix E must appear at the end ofyour report under their own “References” heading. You are expected to summarize informationfrom outside sources in your own words. Directly quoting sources will result in reduced credit.In addition to the sections described, your report will be graded based on the following.Style (10 pts): Proofread your report so that spelling and grammars errors are minimal. Useactive voice and simple syntax such that your report reads as if it could be spoken aloudcomfortably. Your report should use 12-pt. font, 1 in. margins, section headings, and your textshould be divided into logical paragraphs. Total length should be ≤ 4 pages.Taxonomy (10 pts): The first time a species is mentioned, you must use its full taxonomicspecies name and format it correctly. If you put its common name in parentheses, you can laterrefer to the species by that common name. Example: Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly).ECOL 182L Artificial Selection Experiment Report Spring 2019Alternatively, after using a full taxonomic name, you can later refer to the species with anabbreviation like “D. melanogaster.”