Create a program that will keep track of a media library to store movies. It will store all of the data using arrays. Since we have not learned how to use files or a database the information will not be stored anywhere and will be lost once the program ends. The program will keep track of a movie’s title, actors/actresses with characters, movie length, and year of the movie. All data will be stored in arrays.Arrays needed for Movie Library· Title· Length· Year· Rating (index value of drop down)· Actors/characters (must be able to have more than one actor per movie)o Example: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony StarkRequired ControlsØ Multiple FormsØ TextboxesØ LabelsØ List boxesØ Dropdown (Combo box)Ø MenusØ Splash ScreenØ About DialogOther RequirementsØ Use Module fileØ Use of non-event procedures (procedures defined by you)Ø Must prompt user on exit to make sure they want to quit the programØ Must prompt user on save to make sure they want to save the changesØ Must prompt user on delete to make sure they want to delete a media itemØ Must use variables within the procedures and functionsØ ALL input fields must be validated – is numeric, is the field empty etc. Ø All numeric fields must be converted using CInt or CDec and assigned to variablesBonus optionØ Store data in a file – worth up to 10 pts.Movie SelectedØ Dropdowns must be populatedØ Disable all fieldsAdd New MovieØ Enable all of the fields Ø Set focus to the title fieldØ Clear all of the fieldsSave a New MovieØ All fields must be filled in to add a movieØ Movie cannot already exist in the list to be added to the listØ Year of the movie must be numericØ Length of the movie must be numeric (total number of minutes)Ø Display messages to user for each of the above error conditionsØ Make sure there is room in the arrays, if not resize the arraysØ Current selected item in the list box of movies should be the movie just addedØ Disable all of the controls againItem Selected in Movie ListØ Update fields to display the movie details including any actors listed.Add New Actors to a MovieØ Ask how many actors to addØ Add each actor and the name of their characterDelete an Actor from the ListØ Select an actor from the list for a movie and delete themUpdate the Actors list for a MovieØ Add an actor to the list for a movie only if there is room on the listFinal Project Evaluation Form – Total Points Possible: 100 – Score Algorithms (Possible Points = 15)Points Earned 1 Initial Algorithm (5) 2 Refined Algorithm – pseudo-code o Matches Final Code (4) o Indentation (3) o Statements broken down to correct level (3) Documentation (Possible 10 Points) 1 All Header Information Present (1) 2 All Variables labeled at declaration (3) 3 Present for meaningful blocks of code (3) 4 Present for individual lines when needed (3) Style and Readability (Possible 5 Points) 1 Code blocked out according to tasks (1) 2 Proper spacing between blocks of code (1) 3 Appropriate naming techniques (1) 4 Use of indentation (2) Flow Control/Syntax (Possible 40 Points) 1 No run time errors (10) 2 No logic errors (10) 3 Program correctly reflects and displays all program requirements (15) a. allows the user to add/modify a movie. b. add/modify a list of actors for a movie c. error checking where needed d. use of input and message boxes where appropriatee. appropriate use of selection and repetitive structures 4 No unnecessary or redundant statements (5) Correctness (Possible 30 Points) 1 Output correctly reflects and displays all program requirements (5) 2 Forms correctly reflects and displays all program requirements (5) 3 Program makes comprehensive use of topics (20) 1 Arrays 2 Form objects (Text boxes, Labels, List boxes, etc.) 3 Multiple Forms 4 Module 5 Error CheckingNOTES & WARNINGS:
by Writers Nests | Nov 7, 2024 | category | 0 comments
Create a program that will keep track of a media library to store movies. It will store…
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