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Client vs psychologistStudents, Again, as with the mid-term, you are in the role of psychologist. However, this…

Client vs psychologistStudents, Again, as with the mid-term, you are in the role of psychologist. However, this…

Client vs psychologistStudents, Again, as with the mid-term, you are in the role of psychologist. However, this time you are also in the role of being a client.This is NOT an essay. Format into two separate sections: A) You as a client. B) You as a psychologist.Use APA format for the title page, all citations, reference pageBelow are four developmental life stages. Select one that is the age of yourself-as-client. Another choice will help define the life situation of your client when you are the psychologist in part B.• Child (between 5 and 11 years)• Adolescent (between 13 and 20 years)• Adult (any age after 21)• Geriatric (any age after 70)PART ASelect an age and gender for you-as-client. This is a way to build empathy and understanding the possible experience of being a client – at any age – with an exploration of a slightly different personality. As a client, you do NOT have to be yourself. You can be either gender, any ethnic identity, any socio-economic status, presenting with a unique situation and problem.Build a description of yourself as client. Be succinct, strait to the point, no more than 2 – 3 sentences What is your life situation? What is the main problem you present to the psychologist? For example, as a client, do you have trauma (from abuse, neglect, war, gangs, etc.), depression/ anxiety, learning disability, relationship problem, identity/cultural challenge, a life stage concern – such as adolescents or mid-life transition, or end of life?AS CLIENT – You can pretend this was successful therapy OR not successful therapy. The main goal is to show that you grasp theory and how it might manifest in therapy with you as the client. You are reflecting on how clients experience theories.As the client, it is one year later, you have been in therapy with one or several therapists who specialize in a specific theory. After a year you are interviewed about your experience. Exit interview with a researcher:• Who was your psychologist? Name one or several well-known theorists no matter the era such as Anna Freud, Carl Rogers, Victor Frankl or others). You get to have any therapist among all the well-known theorists. Or several at the same time.• What theory (theories) did your therapist use? (assume the psychologist told you the theory). What did the psychologist do/ say that was helpful and what was not helpful? (this shows the limits and usefulness of the theory)• What was therapy like for you with this psychologist? In other words, what was your experience as a client with the psychologist (s), given his or her approach?• Did you feel that your therapist understood and acknowledged your problems, that his or her approach worked well with you and your concerns? What makes you think so? What was the main approach he or she used with you – stream of consciousness, talk, hypnosis, role-play, medication, other approach etc. Be sure this approach matches the theory you said the psychologist(s) are noted for.• What psychological test did your therapist use and how was the test helpful or not helpful for you? (be specific, keep responses academic even though you are in the role of client)• What alternative theory could your therapist have used? How might this alternative theory have been helpful or not helpful in your treatment? (limits/ benefits of the alternative theory) PART BAS PSYCHOLOGIST — After a year you are interviewed about your unique client. Exit Interview with a researcher:As a psychologist. You can pretend this was successful therapy OR not successful therapy. The main goal is to show that you grasp theory and how it might manifest in therapy with you as the psychologist.• Who is your “client”. Be inventive. If you want to be creative, suggest a superhero/heroine, or a figure from movies – for example, imagine a Star Wars or Star Trek or more current character, or a tv or video game character, or cultural icon – this character in therapy with you. Add some diversity in terms of gender, age, life situation, cultural identity. Avoid repeating the same client-problem presented in your first case as the “client”. You can use the categories from the mid-term or above. Be succinct, what is his or her life situation (look at the mid-term client situation briefs)? Do not tell the story or give many details. The focus will be on the theory, not on the background. What is the main problem they bring to you? For example, do they have trauma (from abuse, neglect, war, gangs, etc.), do they present depression/ anxiety, learning disability, relationship problems, identity/cultural challenge, a life stage concern – such as adolescents or mid-life transition, or end of life? Succinctly state his or her problem in 2 -3 sentences.• What theory did you use to understand and treat your client? Historically, who are the most credited theorists who developed this theoretical approach – name at least two theorists. Why do you favor this theory – what about this theory resonates with how you see human problems and healing?• What about the theory was helpful and what was not helpful with this client? (explain briefly the limits and usefulness of the theory you used) How did the theory help you understood and respond to your client?• What was the main approach you used with your client – stream of consciousness, talk, hypnosis, role-play, medication, other approach etc. Be sure this approach matches the theory you prefer. How did your client respond?• What psychological test did you use and how was the test helpful or not helpful to understand your client? (be specific)• What alternative theory/ approach could you have used with your client – why did you decide not to use this theory?Create a bibliography of books, articles, videos that support your exam. Use APA format.