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Central or Decentral? Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion…

Central or Decentral? Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion…

Central or Decentral? Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. There are two basic overall shapes that an organizational structure can assume: centralized or decentralized. Each organization is unique and can demonstrate some characteristics of both, but most organizations tend to fall more toward one type or the other.Research the company you have chosen for your final project and do your best to determine the current structure of the company (centralized or decentralized). Share current resource (less than 8 weeks old) and examples to support why you chose centralized or decentralized. If you were leading the company, would you leave the structure as-is? Why or why not?Review a minimum of two of your classmate’s posts and respond with additional insights, information, questions, or links to more information on organization types and/or examples. Do you agree with their assessment of the type of structure for their organization?  Do you see any patterns in the class as to how many organizations are identified as centralized versus decentralized? Your responses should be academic in nature and linked to research and management topics discussed this week rather than personal stories of shopping with the company they chose for example.Jeffrey Dufrene Week 8I found it difficult based on the information I found online to say definitively that Delta was central or decentral.  However, I was able to use the chart in Chapter 14 of the text to help me and I found it very useful:-The Goal of Control Approach is through Employee commitment (Decentralized) (Delta, 2019).-The Degree of Formality is not rigid and strict, instead, Delta promotes a very positive and thriving culture (Decentralized). (Roberts, 2017).-Performance expectations is directed above and beyond the minimum (Decentralized).  For example, Delta pays it’s employees to volunteer in the local community (Zhang, 2019).-Organization design is tall with top down influence (Centralized).-Reward system is through group sharing (Decentralized).  For example, Delta uses profit-sharing as a means to reward employees as a whole, and not individuals (Delta, 2019).-Participation is not limited and formal (Decentralized).Only one of the 6 categories exhibits characteristics of a centralized organization.  Therefore, based on my research throughout the past several weeks and the examples I found, I concluded that Delta is mostly a decentralized organization.https://www.businessinsider.com/delta-air-lines-to-pay-employees-for-volunteer-time-2019-2https://news.delta.com/following-13-billion-profit-sharing-payout-delta-employees-will-be-paid-640000-volunteer-hourshttps://www.delta.com/us/en/about-delta/community-engagementhttp://fortune.com/2017/03/10/delta-air-lines-best-companies-list/Jon Jordan Week 8 discussionFrom my research of the company and reviewing the book I believe The J C Penney Company is centralized, it appears that almost everything starts at the corporate office.  From merchandising, to store displays, even the new salons, everything starts at the corporate office.  With a Company as large as J C Penney, one would figure it is centralized.  However, I found no indication of decentralization.  It appears that the local manager does not have much say in things; they follow the corporate model.  Maybe this is what is necessary to make the changes the new CEO, Jill Soltau, wants to make.  J C Penney is changing products, store sizes and their overall approach to sales, obviously this is what she wants and the stock price has increased since she took over. If I were in charge, I would set the standard (centralized) and allow decentralization for each store to accomplish the set standard in the manner they best see fit.  Then we could evaluate other options to accomplishing the same goal.Jonhttps://www.jcpnewsroom.com/news-releases/2019/0416_announces_new_leaders.htmlhttps://www.wjhl.com/local/jcpenney-celebrates-rich-history-during-johnson-city-s-sesquicentennial/1846862650