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Case Study 1This is a problem solving assignment and a chance to apply both what you have…

Case Study 1This is a problem solving assignment and a chance to apply both what you have…

Case Study 1This is a problem solving assignment and a chance to apply both what you have learned about problem solving and also the case is about information technology. Thus you can blend both skills in this case.Length: 1 to 1-1/2 pages single-spaced page with reasonable font and margins.Sometimes in cases since you only know the information you need to state any assumptions you are making. Don’t assume I will make the same assumption and thus I will not agree with your answer. If I understand the assumption you made and it is reasonable (not you assumed away the difficult part of the issue) then I will follow your logic. So be sure to clearly state the assumptions you are making. STATE THE ASSUMPTIONS WHERE YOU ARE USING THEM. DO NOT MAKE A GENERAL LIST OF ASSUMPTIONS WITH NO REFERENCE TO WHERE THEY ARE USED. They need to be stated however it should be done at the proper time.NOTE: I am supplying a general rubric that applies to all cases. Not every example/question (right hand column) in the rubric may be applicable in every case but it is worth going through them and deciding if they apply to the case or not. First there must be an objective. What is the organization/company hoping for in resolving this problem (and it must be measurable)?  How will they know if they solved the problem successfully? Have they achieved this objective? How will you measure it? It should be the first thing on the page and be formatted as:OBJECTIVE: a short couple of line statement(s) of the objective of the company and how you will measure it.Paragraph 1The first sentence of the actual case study beings: THE ROOT PROBLEM IN THIS CASE IS (don’t need to capitalize it is for emphasis that it MUST be the first statement). Go on to describe the root problem.  Any solution must directly address this problem. The rest of the paragraph explains how you determined this is the root problem. What symptoms suggest this is the root problem etc. Use the facts of the case throughout to support your point of view as to why this is the root problem.Paragraph 2You need to develop 4 alternatives/solutions. One alternative is the status quo solution which is “do nothing/maintain the status quo” and you need to explain what will happen if you do not solve the problem. What will the outcome be of this alternative?The second alternative/solution is the minimum solution. What is the minimum that must be done to avoid the outcome you noted above? This is an alternative you would consider if you have many constraints including time, money, power etc.The fourth alternative (yes they are out of order) is what is the ideal solution if you had no constraints? What is the best solution (you may not have the time, money etc) but you know what the ideal solution is. This will help you determine if you have identified a root problem because it limits the ideal solution. The third alternative is the middle-of-the-road alternative that is more than the minimum, recognizes constraints that exists but looks for a reasonable solution that is longer lasting than the minimum.Paragraph 3The 3td and last paragraph contains the recommendation of which solution your are recommending and a little about how to implement the solution, reduce the constraints on it’s implementation and success etc. DON’TDo not summarize the paper. You are acting as a consultant to the company who already know the facts of the case and told you what they are. They want the problem identified and solutions from you. You will hurt your grade by taking up space and time on something that does not contribute to your grade. Don’t exceed the length guidelines. I will stop grading when I get to a page and a half (if you need that much). If you haven’t said what needs to be said by then I will grade you only on the parts you have completed resulting in the loss of credit for the missing parts.