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ASAP Please help with response to the following DQ and responding to the two individuals. Response 1Christopher F.As a…

ASAP Please help with response to the following DQ and responding to the two individuals. Response 1Christopher F.As a…

ASAP Please help with response to the following DQ and responding to the two individuals. Response 1Christopher F.As a portion of Industrial/Organizational Psychology revolves around training and development of personnel, taking into account aspects as to how the training is taught, and the level of confidence that the person has going into the class, can all play factors on how well the information is received, and knowledge gained (Bell et al., 2017). The question would then be, is there a statistically significant interaction between the teaching style of a class, and the level of confidence of an individual on their final test score?The main factors here would be those of teaching style, confidence, and their effect on one’s ability to learn in new personnel training which would be evaluated by the test scores achieved. The teaching styles would be simply reading the necessary materials, a PowerPoint lead presentation of the materials, and an interactive teaching style all as the nominal A predictor variable; whereby in contrast, the level of confidence of the individual would be obtained by a questionnaire to determine low and high levels of confidence as the ordinal B predictor variable, all measured against the ratio scale outcome variable of a final test score (Warner, 2013).         This would indicate that the null hypotheses would be that the different teaching style has no effect on the final grade or, H0: µA1 = µA2 = µA3, that the level of confidence plays no factor on the final grade or, H0: µB1 = µB2, and finally that the level of confidence of the individual, has no bearing on the teaching style used, or H0: No A x B interaction (Warner, 2013). On the other hand, the outcome to be expected would be that the interactive class would lead to higher scores, and that those with a higher level of confidence would also warrant a higher score, however that each operates independently with no interaction between them (Warner, 2013).Response 2 Sandra W.My organization rely on success levels of individuals which may depend on how well an individual performs within his or her assigned task.  There appear to be perceptions of anxiety levels of individuals who may have perceived differences with expected performance outcome measurements.  Research of a two-way factorial ANOVA would be appropriate to determine whether performance differences occur according to age and gender (male and female).Research Question:  Do performance differences between anxiety levels vary according to age and gender within organizations?Alternative Hypothesis:  Performance differences between anxiety levels do vary according to age and gender within organizations. Null Hypothesis:  Performance differences between anxiety levels do not vary according to age and gender within organizations.To determine the effect of anxiety levels, measurement of a factorial ANOVA should provide information to determine if the interaction between anxiety levels and age are statistically significant, to determine the strength of the interaction (Warner, 2013).  For example, the interaction between A and B factors that may be present, may be observed by the outcome variables of age and gender.  According to the predictor variable (performance differences), may result in the Leven test for the homogeneity of variance assumption to be displayed, which tells us whether the combined effects of A, B, and A x B are statistically significant (Warner, 2013).Sandra