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2 questions in this assignment, each one need to answer 1 page, total need to 2 pages,…

2 questions in this assignment, each one need to answer 1 page, total need to 2 pages,…

2 questions in this assignment, each one need to answer 1 page, total need to 2 pages, APA format need citation, sign each question number1.The growth versus economic welfare debate is related to the dilemma of how to provide basic human needs without sacrificing growth. Policies to reduce income inequality are diverse:  increase employment, improve education, redistribute assets, tax the wealthy, subsidize the poor, rural food for work programs.  Which is the best? Please give your reasoning from your study and knowledge on this topic. Pl make sure you give proper citations their references as part of your credible responses. Also provide your comment to at least another posting from your fellow classmate posting by midweek after the due date.2. Special Instructions:Must comply with all the writing requirements, including APA guidelines for proper citation and references, provided in the beginning of the class. For example: Please provide proper citations and reference list are required as part of the academic honesty and integrity, as guided by APA writing style. You also need to post comments to at least one person’s posting as part of your required response.Select any two of the following 4 questions and post your brief but concise answers here. Also, please respond to at least one posting by another fellow student to complete your answer. 1. What are some of the differences between the population policies of China and India? What factors may have contributed to their success or failure?Hints: Efforts in India, a functioning democracy (despite the authoritarian tendencies of Mrs. Gandhi in the 1970s), have meant that population control have come up against resistance. On the other hand, China’s ability (inherent in its political system) to enforce birth control policies has meant it has been more successful.  Ref: Todaro and Smith Text Ch. 6 and related articles2. India’s population is expected to overtake that of China within the next decade. What differences between these two nations could have contributed to this outcome?Hints: Similar to Q #3, but different approach. Ref Todaro and Smith textbook Ch. 6 and related articles3. What are the characteristics of those who migrate to urban areas? What positive and negative effects does their leaving have on those who remain? Explain what is meant by urban bias. What are the major effects of urban bias?Hints: Younger, better educated, and probably less risk-averse, given their willingness to migrate. These factors suggest they could be more entrepreneurial than average had they not migrated, which would benefit the rural area and help alleviate the urbanization problem.Developing country policies that favor the urban sector with a disproportionate share of investments in infrastructure, factories, buildings, and education. This creates a widening gap in incomes and amenities between urban and rural economies and induces rural–urban migration. Ref. Todaro and Smith Textbook Ch. 7 and related articles4. Discuss the importance of rural–urban migration as a source of urban population growth in various parts of the developing world, being as specific as you can. How did this migration process work for the rapid growth in China as compared to other comparable densely populated developing countries?Hints: In Ch. 7 of Todaro and Smith book for the first part of the question. Also read Ch.4 case studies for the second part of this question and related articlesAlso respond to at least one of your classmate’s posting (very briefly) by midweek following the due date.